
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Science of Boredom

Hi everyone! This is something I have prepared to share with my students and the community. Due to the well-known restrictions because of the pandemic, we can't have our annual get-together. That's why we have been working on a Skillshring Platform. We will all prepare a video, podcast, review...WHATEVER, to share not only with classmates but also with the rest of  students.  How much do you like this idea? CLIK HERE to watch my video.  Have you found my production interesting?

CHALLENGE can be motivating

No glasses at hand?  LISTEN HERE I was attending a MOOC recently and I came across the phrase "HARD FUN." What does that concept bring to your mind? Before going deeper into it, I gave it several minutes of thought and came to the conclusion that challenge can be motivating and fun.  When I started reading about the concept more in detail I discovered a great way of motivating students: by presenting them with a problem. However, we must be careful there:  the problem must challenging enough to make them want to solve it and feel a sense of achievement once they've finished the activity, but easy enough so that they don't feel frustrated or demotivated.   As educators, we must build a safe environment where  participants can explore and take risks, a place where they can feel free to make mistakes. Allow tem to try new ways of solving old problems, to learn collaboratively, to participate actively.  What do you think? *The educator who coined the conce...